Hola amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog ¿Cómo les va? A mi me ha ido bastante bien en este mes que ha estado corriendo. Hoy en esta entrada vengo con un poema nuevo como siempre. Sin más introducciones vamos con él:

I'm not that good
Going as well as I can
walking all along with
walking all along with
my own feelings, my own
stuff like an owl...
everything gets darker,
my eyes begin to see
everything black,
black as night,
black as the obscurity.
black as the obscurity.
My feelings are cracking me,
my eyes are trying to find
a way out of the dark side,
of running away from all...
going led astray just like you,
screaming out loud inside...
my mouth doesn't even move,
my lips didn't try to do...
The tears are falling out
and dropping to my cheeks;
´passing through all my face
just by remembering
every single chance
to do things different
and come out before
it's too late...
I'm caught in my own thoughts,
my eyes are crying a lot,
I want to scream out loud
and tell everyone how do I feel
about all of them...
I just want to be myself
again, to be better
to get happier as I were before
I can see no more colours
rather than a dark black
I would rather be there
As I'd be a little bit better
than doing all of this..
I don't belong here

Bueno amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog, espero que haya sido de su agrado esta entrada, de ser así no se olviden de comentar, puntuar y compartirlo con sus amigos en redes sociales para que así crezca el blog. Yo soy Eddy Rocker y hasta la próxima entrada.
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/EddyRockeroficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eddy_Rocker
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eddy_rocker98