Hola amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog ¿Cómo les va? A mi me ha ido bastante bien en este mes que ha estado corriendo. Hoy en esta entrada vengo con un poema nuevo como siempre. Sin más introducciones vamos con él:

Face the Fear
Fear the things, just I’m afraid
Of some things, I want to wake
The morning, it is just a breath to take,
I need someone to help me, to aid.
The most things I’ll never do alone,
The garden of my life would disappear
And one will never care – or hear –
The voice of mine all of me that it’s gone
Fear of mine I’ve got that for him,
It makes no sense anymore to let it pass
Through my innocent – still – mind as it lasts
Into an endless fear of it
May I look as a coward if I go away
From that – whom – thing that is scaring
Me from afar? Makes no sense to ring
Out a hell, I don’t wanna bring it far away.
Puts in his suit, puts in the front of me
His own face, he intends me to be as he is;
I wanna be myself, no to be others;
He pretends for me to be as the way he is.
Being bullied by my own father freaks me out
I fight myself by the way he speaks, it puts
A long way afar for our separated mind,
I would never be like him, I don’t want to.
All in my mind is twisted, all inside
Might have been distorted brain;
Who can help me out to keep carry on
Without being a colder person like him?
I’m gonna drown myself onto my own tears
And even with my own fears…

Bueno amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog, espero que haya sido de su agrado esta entrada, de ser así no se olviden de comentar, puntuar y compartirlo con sus amigos en redes sociales para que así crezca el blog. Yo soy Eddy Rocker y hasta la próxima entrada.
Redes Sociales:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eddy_Rocker
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eddy_rocker12
Página donde publico más poemas: https://yo.poematrix.com/autores/eduardpernia
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