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viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018

Useless - Poema Nuevo

Hola amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog ¿Cómo les va? A mi me ha ido bastante bien en este mes que ha estado corriendo. Hoy en esta entrada vengo con un poema nuevo como siempre. Sin más introducciones vamos con él:


I feel myself uncomfortable here
For the greatest goodness I got myself
And for them I do a lot to be fair,
I am back in time where everyone
Has made me feel so regardless and
Useless, my innocent mind felt
So degraded – and suffered –
Bu their own words and never
Made anything against them at first

Now I think I turned back those memories
But I’m grown up a lot, I am not that little
Boy who everyone laughed on his face,
I’m just a humble person like others,
I was so fearless; I’m still a little bit;
But no one helps me out, I just carried on;
I look into my past and cry – I try to be strong –
Look into my eyes, what do you see?
Tell me what I’m doing wrong.

Sometimes I wish I was never born,
I don’t wanna be sharing this world
It frightens me every day; I look forward
And backward in time and just cry;
It would have escaped your hands
But I’m just like me – and you –
Both of us are just like each other
And one can take it away.

I always felt too useless in life,
Wished I wasn’t even born in this world;
What’s the reason I’ve come to?

I’d wish I could have regret this.

Bueno amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog, espero que haya sido de su agrado esta entrada, de ser así no se olviden de comentar, puntuar y compartirlo con sus amigos en redes sociales para que así crezca el blog. Yo soy Eddy Rocker y hasta la próxima entrada.

Redes Sociales:

Página donde publico más poemas: https://yo.poematrix.com/autores/eduardpernia

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