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viernes, 12 de abril de 2019

Final Destination - Poema Nuevo

Hola amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog ¿Cómo les va? A mi me ha ido bastante bien en este mes que ha estado corriendo. Hoy en esta entrada vengo con un poema nuevo como siempre. Sin más introducciones vamos con él:

Final destination

It isn't too far
away ever since
I started feeling
this way,
ever since it began
it's a terrible
feeling and horrible

Is there a final destination
for those who
feel like this?
I can't stand it,
guilty comes in
to my body,
there's a feeling
of being useless
and sad the whole

I feel that is coming
the time that I
imagined ever since
it started coming
to my mind,
it is getting worse
and worse,
the days are passing by
as the clock sounds off.

Would I get better
Is it alright feeling
this way all the time?
I can't get happy
moments ever since
a long time ago,
I don't feel
comfortable with
myself, it feels
like I am losing
my own esence.

I'm trying to
be very strong
but it gets consuming
me more and more,
I am not too able
to do some things
like I did before,
I feel like sometime
I'm gonna give up,
my thoughts are
running too slow.

I thought I must
have been died
a long time ago
all alone my way,
It gets me chills
everyday, everynight;
I can't be more
compulsive than
ever before,
even more aggressive
that I've been.

I'm a slave of my
own thoughts,
passing through
the day thinking
about everything
I've done wrong
and every thing
I was rejected by
other people who
doesn't comprehend
how I do feel.

Bueno amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog, espero que haya sido de su agrado esta entrada, de ser así no se olviden de comentar, puntuar y compartirlo con sus amigos en redes sociales para que así crezca el blog. Yo soy Eddy Rocker y hasta la próxima entrada.

Redes Sociales:

Página donde publico más poemas: https://yo.poematrix.com/autores/eduardpernia

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