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martes, 9 de abril de 2019

Is it alright? - Poema Nuevo

Hola amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog ¿Cómo les va? A mi me ha ido bastante bien en este mes que ha estado corriendo. Hoy en esta entrada vengo con un poema nuevo como siempre. Sin más introducciones vamos con él:

Is it alright?

Is it alright to be
with someone who
is like me?
Is it alright to have
a different way
to see life?
Is it alright to be
doing things
that anyone don't like?

Is it right to be
Is it alright to be
a 'bi person'?
Is it alright
to take my own
purpose in life
helping other people?
Is it alright
everything I do?
Is it alright to
want be loved
by other people?
Is it alright
not to do
what people says?
Is it alright
not to care
what people thinks
about me?

Is it alright
not to learn
as fast as others?
Is it normal
to have depression?
is it alright
everything I do?
Is it normal
to have a half-blinded
eye? - I don't know
And I know you may know
or you may not.

Bueno amigos y seguidores que leen mi blog, espero que haya sido de su agrado esta entrada, de ser así no se olviden de comentar, puntuar y compartirlo con sus amigos en redes sociales para que así crezca el blog. Yo soy Eddy Rocker y hasta la próxima entrada.

Redes Sociales:

Página donde publico más poemas: https://yo.poematrix.com/autores/eduardpernia

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